Earning Points

So how, exactly, do you earn points???
 Earning points toward your house totals is easy! All you really have to do is complete
your activities and quizzes! Your point totals for each item will be based on your score for each
item, but will NOT be your actual grade. 
Points will be given based on the following scale:
How to earn points:
By completing the activity/quiz:
5 points
By earning a perfect score:
5 points
By demonstrating teamwork during an activity: 
3 points
 For example, if you come to class and complete a quiz,
and you earn a perfect score,
and you demonstrate teamwork during a small group discussion,
you will actually earn 13 points for the day... and toward your total team score!
Each day, we will post the total possible points on the board for whatever that day's activity is on the board-
so you'll know exactly how many points you can earn for your team!